A PAP test, also called a PAP smear or Papanicolaou test, is a medical exam that takes a small sample of cells from the cervix. These cells are then examined under a microscope and determined to be abnormal or normal. PAP tests are useful for screening for potential problems, like cancer, and diagnose any infections or inflammations. These medical exams are for anyone who has a vulva and the attached internal reproductive organs.
An important part of being sexually active is protecting your sexual health. A lot of people’s first concerns are about unwanted pregnancies but there is another important reason to use safer sex methods: sexually transmitted infections. Sexually transmitted infections, or STIs, can cause a range of damage to the body from sores to infertility to death. Each STI has their own way of causing harm to the body and the symptoms may vary. It’s also common for many people to have a sexually transmitted infection and have no idea. Some infections do not present with any symptoms at all but they are still quietly doing damage under the radar.
There is a strong connection between nudity and sexuality. It makes sense because, for a lot of sexual activity, a person needs to be at least partially naked. We also may experience sexual desires from seeing someone else naked. In most areas of the world, we don’t have a lot of modern-day context for nudity that isn’t associated with sex. It’s rare to see any popular media that doesn’t tie the two together as if they are one and the same. But are they really? There are some distinct differences between being naked and being sexual. One is not always the other.
Choice is a crucial part of consent. That seems fairly straightforward and a total no-brainer. When we talk about consent, pretty much everyone would agree that consent should be freely given. It’s easy to talk about it when we look at the black and white definition. The trouble is that the world is never black and white. Many people can define the basics of what consent is, however, those same people struggle to articulate how it should be applied when given real-world situations. It’s not always clear-cut and there’s a lot of debate. So how do we know if consent is actually freely given?
There are a lot of ways to look at sexuality. People are influenced by their upbringing, culture, religion, and their life experiences. Our ideas about sexuality evolve throughout our lives based on all these factors. As we have more open discussion in society about sex and relationships, we’ve developed new ideas and terminology. In recent years, there has been more and more talk about being “sex positive” but what does this really mean?
Sex can be a difficult topic and many people are easily embarrassed talking about it. There are plenty of reasons why it can be a really uncomfortable topic. It can depend on how a person was raised, their cultural background, their previous experiences, and their religious beliefs. All of these things come together and influence our comfort levels with sex. If the sum of all those things leaves us in an uncomfortable place talking about sex, it can take a lot of conscious effort on our part to get over it.
A vulva is a complex system. It has its own pH balance and produces its own healthy bacteria and fluids that naturally clean the vagina. Everyone has their own natural odor that they give off but sometimes that odor can be different or unpleasant. There are a number of things that could impact the smell of a vulva. Depending on what a person is experiencing they should consult a medical professional. When in doubt, it’s always a good idea to check in with a medical professional to make sure it’s nothing serious.
Pornography, often called porn, is a representation of sexual behavior that is meant to excite and cause sexual arousal. It can be in many different forms like video, pictures, podcasts, books, statues, or other media.
Water-based lubricants can be used to really enhance your sexual experience. Whether you are enjoying some self-love or enjoying time with others, you may wish to try experimenting with some lubricants. Our bodies produce much of their own lubricants. Saliva is a free and readily available lube. Vulvae also produce their own lubrication. With the body’s natural ability to produce lubrication, why would we want to use a manufactured lube? It can be helpful for anal sex or if a person wants some extra stimulation to help the natural lubrication flowing.
So you’ve probably heard that people should be peeing after sex. If you’re a woman, you’ve probably heard this multiple times in your life. What’s the point? Does it matter for anyone with a penis to pee after sex? Is peeing after sex a mandatory must? Urinating, in general, serves an incredibly important function for our bodies. Peeing after sex can be an important step to taking care of our general physical health.
Using condoms is usually a pretty good idea whether you’re wanting to avoid pregnancy or just protecting your sexual health. There are lots of different kinds of condoms that come in a variety of sizes. Some are specifically designed to enhance sexual pleasure. All the variety can make it fun to experiment to find out the ones you and your partner like best. Don’t be afraid to try some new types of condoms and have fun experimenting. There are a couple of important things to remember while you’re having fun.
If you’re considering birth control methods, you may be toying with the idea of the pull-out or withdrawal method. People employ this method by ensuring that the penis is withdrawn from the vagina prior to orgasm and ejaculation. The cum must be away from the vulva entirely.
Masturbation can be a super taboo subject for many people. There is a lot of misinformation out there about masturbation. Many people today still see it as evil, unhealthy, and having severe moral and health consequences. Some children are still severely punished for exploring and learning about their body. Where do these negative feelings towards masturbation come from? Why is it seen in such a light?
Do you know why when consent needs to be informed? As conversations about consent continue to become more commonplace, more and more people are looking at sexual consent in new ways that they never have before. Consent is about more than just desire. We are constantly analyzing a number of factors, even subconsciously, to determine what our consent will be. Our answers may change based on the specifics of the situation or the person or people involved. Sometimes we consent to things and find out extra information after. This can be upsetting if we feel that information would have changed our choice before the activity. Being able to make an informed decision is an important piece of the consent process.
What is sex? Did you know that most people have a hard time defining it? We took to the streets to ask people what they thought sex is. Some of the responses are AWESOME!
Do you feel like you know everything you need to know about sex? The truth is that most people don’t. It’s not surprising since sex is a SUPER taboo subject in many cultures around the world. Find more about what you may be missing!