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Do you know that some amazing things can happen when you leave a toxic relationship? It’s true. One of the hardest things about toxic and abusive relationships is that they are slowly built over time. This happens so gradually that we often do not see the toxic behaviors or abuse until things have progressed to more extreme points. It starts small and as we become accustomed to the bad way we are treated, it becomes normalized. It makes it easier for the next step in the wrong direction.
By the time we are leaving a bad situation, we have become so accustomed to the horrible aspects of the relationship it’s easy to accept that’s the way things always are. We forget that things can be different. Leaving a bad relationship is like a weight being lifted. A weight you didn’t even know you were carrying. It’s not always easy to make a break away from a bad relationship but when you do, some amazing things can happen.
Many toxic relationships have a way of making us feel like less. People are often put down and have been questioned so often for so long that their confidence has taken a serious hit. Often these relationships also isolate us from others who have a positive impact on our confidence and self-esteem. All of this can wreak havoc on a person’s sense of self-esteem.
When we leave a toxic relationship, we remove that constant negative reinforcement. We have the space to love ourselves again. It is truly amazing how much of a difference this can make. The path to self-love can be a challenging one sometimes after being in a bad relationship but once we rediscover what wondering and awesome people we are, there’s nothing like that feeling in the world.
The slow nature of the way abusive and toxic relationships develop, we slowly accept more and more extreme forms because it doesn’t seem like a huge dramatic step from the last thing that has become part of our new normal.
Once we leave our bad relationship and have some time to feel right with ourselves, we can reflect on the progression and what steps led us to that point. We can then decide for ourselves, what boundaries we want to set to prevent that from happening again.
Choosing your boundaries and what is acceptable for you is incredibly freeing. You are also the only person who can decide that for yourself.
A key aspect of toxic relationships is that they can cut us off and isolate us from other social aspects of our life, particularly any healthy and supportive relationships. Once we have left a bad relationship, we can work to reconnect with those people we were isolated from.
Not everyone will understand what happened and be open to reconnecting but many people will be happy to hear from you again. You will also be able to form newer healthy relationships with others.
Having a diverse and varied social circle helps us maintain a better balance in our lives. We will have a wider network of support and people to connect with in different ways.
Toxic and abusive partners take away choices. They tend to berate and bully to get their way. One of the challenging things of changing that dynamic is that abusers will rarely allow their victims to be assertive. Their control is dependent on their victim not being able to stand up for themselves.
Once a toxic relationship is behind us, it is a perfect time to practice our assertiveness. We can reflect on ways our former abusers held us back to determine strategies to overcome what previously worked. Our past bad relationships is a roadmap to how our vulnerabilities can be exploited.
Once we feel ready to address where things went wrong, we can build a strong game plan for how we can maintain our assertiveness in the future.
Abusers often rely on the idea that nothing would be different and in fact, things would be a lot worse, without the abuser. Life and relationships can always be better and no one should ever have to endure a toxic relationship. Bad relationships are not a price of things being good enough.
You realize that there are good relationships out there and you are deserving of one. You shouldn’t have to settle.
There is nothing easy about a bad, toxic, or abusive relationship. It’s not an easy thing to live through, leave, or move on from. Some of the best things for us are some of the hardest things to do. People should always prioritize their personal safety but there are resources available out there to support those trying to leave bad situations. What resources are available will depend greatly on where in the world you are. A Google search can help identify resources in almost any area in the world.
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